Carbon content of soil 0.496633 Nitrogen content of soil 0.747811 Precipitation during the driest quarter 0.86472 Sum of monthly Tavg where Tavg >=5 deg C 0.901373 Precipitation during the wettest quarter 1.14437 Day/night diurnal temperature difference 1.2157 Ratio of precipitation to potential evapotranspiration 1.38718 Integer number of consecutive months where Tavg >= 5 deg C (Length of potential growing season) 1.57193 Available water holding capacity of soil 1.6734 Bulk density of soil 1.67924 Compound topographic index (relative wetness) 1.81307 Temperature during the hottest quarter 2.24916 Temperature during the coldest quarter 2.63824 Solar interception 2.91434 Precipitation during the hottest quarter 3.22018 Precipitation during the coldest quarter 3.63917