Precipitation during the driest quarter 0.79308 Nitrogen content of soil 0.871261 Compound topographic index (relative wetness) 0.892505 Precipitation during the wettest quarter 1.06278 Integer number of consecutive months where Tavg >= 5 deg C (Length of potential growing season) 1.0722 Precipitation during the hottest quarter 1.28103 Precipitation during the coldest quarter 1.41003 Ratio of precipitation to potential evapotranspiration 1.73027 Solar interception 1.73907 Available water holding capacity of soil 1.78453 Elevation 1.88248 Bulk density of soil 2.05617 Temperature during the hottest quarter 2.56744 Temperature during the coldest quarter 2.82768 Sum of monthly Tavg where Tavg >=5 deg C 2.88639 Carbon content of soil 2.90568 Day/night diurnal temperature difference 5.20312