Nitrogen content of soil 0.732876 Precipitation during the driest quarter 0.931554 Precipitation during the hottest quarter 0.95398 Available water holding capacity of soil 1.02964 Precipitation during the coldest quarter 1.06617 Compound topographic index (relative wetness) 1.15414 Sum of monthly Tavg where Tavg >=5 deg C 1.24718 Precipitation during the wettest quarter 1.38804 Solar interception 1.43972 Ratio of precipitation to potential evapotranspiration 1.77644 Temperature during the hottest quarter 2.10753 Integer number of consecutive months where Tavg >= 5 deg C (Length of potential growing season) 2.64895 Elevation 3.05234 Carbon content of soil 3.33514 Temperature during the coldest quarter 3.36598 Bulk density of soil 4.54594 Day/night diurnal temperature difference 8.28915